Monday, December 2, 2019

Week 10 Forum

Topic 1:

My favorite photo I took this term was this portrait of Alondra Cortez. I like this photo the best because of the lighting and clarity. I had no idea what I was doing whenI took this picture. I had tried doing this two times before but was never really proud of any. This was a lucky picture. Looking back I realize I did some things subconsciously that did help, like getting to know her before I took pictures, and moving around to get better angles. This photo helped my throughout the rest of the term. It reflects that sometimes you just get lucky, or you just have to keep trying. My best photos have never been the first one taken. You just have t wait until the moment happens, and hope you capture it. I do think that I have improved over my time in this class. I know how to change the brightness settings, which I did not know how to do in my first week. I think that was painfully obvious when I took pictures of Fabian Gonzales. I also learned how to change lenses without breaking anything. That skill really helped my shoot Bradley Boyce for his swim meet.

Topic 2:
My goals for this class week 1, " My three goals for this class, is to be able to use a camera correctly, feel comfortable talking to strangers, and to learn how to write well."
I think I did this. I am not 100% with a camera yet, but I do think I can take good pictures in a variety of settings. I would not be able to shoot anything professionally but I can take really good portraits. My best pictures were of Pam and Alondra and they were both portraits. I can definitely talk to strangers. I had to do this for a lot of my pictures. Fabian Gonzales was a complete stranger, I haven't seen him since I took hat picture. But the conversation was easy and comfortable. That was actually easier than expected. Writing is still not my strong suit. I'm not sure it ever will be, but do think I can say what I need to accurately and efficiently. My captions say what is happening and provide background information when needed. But my flow and word choice could do better still.

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