Friday, November 15, 2019

Week 7 Forum

For next week's “Hometown” assignment I am going to shoot the city of Albany. I grew up here and have seen it change throughout my life. I have a lot of memories here. For the landmark I am thinking about something downtown. Most likely the carousel or Pix theatre. For the activity I want to shoot the Saturday market. It isn’t as big as Corvallis's but it still has quite the variety. I am unsure of who I want the portrait to be of but I’m thinking a teacher here in town. I really liked school growing up and I think it would add a personal touch to the project. I think the hardest photo shoot will be of the activity. There is so much going on at the Saturday market. I'm not sure what I want to focus on.

One idea for my photo story I am thinking about shooting my friends soccer team lead up to their last game. It is the OSU women’s recreation league. I think it gets skipped over and it would be cool if more people knew about it. I would try to make it to some of their practices or meeting before the final game. They would mostly be on OSU’s campus.
To do this I would need to talk to the head coach and the team to make sure they were comfortable with me doing this. I would also need to work around my job schedule so I'd need to be in communication with my manager as well. It would also be ideal to be talking to some of the players to hear about anything going on directly from them.
Another photo story idea I have is to document my friends barbershop quartet while they prep for their first gig out of high school. They have a pretty irregular practice schedule so that will be a little tricky to find times. I would take photos of them at rehearsal, signing or arranging music.
To do this I would need to talk to the four singers and their instructor. They all need to be onboard with this idea before I could start. I would also need to know where they practice and if there was anything they didn’t want me to cover. To pull this off I would need to build a good rapport with them because I would be around them a fair amount.

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